Monday, October 22, 2007

A time of wanting

Everything you want wants you, too.

Aerolin said this to me in a recent comment. I'm reading a book right now, the name of which escapes me. A co-worker loaned it to me and it's sitting on my bookshelf at work. The book suggests everything has energy, a signature 'vibration' that is particular to that thing. There is a theory that thoughts can tap into these vibrations, and attract the things we think about hard enough; when we want a particular thing we're thinking of that thing, subconsciously looking for ways we can get that thing, or attract that thing, so that we will eventually find a way to bring it to ourselves.

Can it be true that everything I want in life wants me just as badly? Am I lock to my desires' key, or vice versa? I'm fascinated by this idea, but I'm not sure what to do with it yet.

I do know that I don't know what I want. Oh, superficial things, like not having to commute sixty miles every day; the energy to resume my work-out program; more time in the day to get my work accomplished; unlimited funds for my education. Do these things crave me? Is there some exercise just waiting for me to do it? Are there experiences I'm not having that are languishing in my inattentiveness? Unspent money waiting for the opportunity to jump into my pocket? I'm right here, baby. Get in.

But the things that I really need to get myself feeling like a person again? I have no idea.


Anonymous said...

The quote is actually from a book I read recently called "100 Ways to Sunday." The author is Robin Rice, and it's a free e-book in pdf format (
I highly recommend it.

Isn't it interesting how we can easily name those details like "more time to complete everything I want to do," "more money," etc. and yet, we have a much harder time articulating what our soul is craving? Stay with this. Even if it makes you uncomfortable that you can't come up with the answer to this right now - perhaps especially because it makes you uncomfortable. And because nothing wishes to be forced, maybe invite whatever this thing is to reveal itself to you so you can shout it to the Universe and open your arms to receive it.

Enfolding you in Love.

Anonymous said...

p.s. In my experience, I'm finding that once we articulate those soul-cravings to the Universe, those other mundane details that we easily identified seem to fall away or get taken care of...