Saturday, January 2, 2021

Year in Review - 2020

Last year's focus word was Intention and my goal was to approach life with more awareness; to go about my days with more engagement, and not allow myself to slip into mindless behaviour or activities that would eat up my time.

At the start of the pandemic and during the first days of shelter-in-place orders, I went into a sort of vacation mode in my brain. Every day was a day without responsibilities; I already worked from home, so I had that routine down. But things like exercise, which I could no longer do with my work-out buddy in a classroom environment, eating healthy, bedtime routines... all of it ceased, immediately. And I never got it back on track.

I've always struggled with cleaning and cooking and the domestic aspects of life; when quarantine orders were issued, I abandoned even the small routines that kept my life running in an orderly manner. Not intentionally ... just sort of passively.

All around me I am seeing and reading about folks who are using their quarantine time to learn a new skill - COVID skills, they call them. Michelle Obama took up knitting and is making her family sweaters. Not only did I not take up a new skill, but I mostly abandoned all the things that bring me peace and clarity. My focus word didn't help me at all in 2020 - there I was, there I always am, struggling to face each moment with grace.

I am not sure precisely how I will change that in 2021 - I've chosen a new phrase for the year and I've got a list of things I want to do with my time. 

I am hesitantly hopeful about this year; I need an internal reset in the worst way, and I'm looking forward to seeing how I can accomplish that by letting go of the things that are keeping me... un-reset.

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