Sunday, January 7, 2018

A poem for Bill

A friend of mine wrote this poem about my dad. He had never met Bill, but was inspired to write these words that so beautifully capture the essence of my dad, and I’m sure of many dads around the world.

A son of God.
A noble spirit.
A humble patron.
What did he add to the creation of this world?  What did he accomplish for 4.5 billion years before he ended up in this fleeting trial of humanity?

He is valued, deeply, passionately, by a Father in Heaven who called him Son.
His contributions here may have been small, but they were profound and touched lives in meaningful ways. A man of gifts and a man of means, he connected with his daughter and offered his most precious gift: Time.

Perhaps you did not notice there was nobility on his brow?  Maybe you did not know that he comes from a Royal Lineage?

His circumstance in this realm may have been humble, but make no mistake that this man was a Son of God, a Prince with an eternal purpose.

Flaws and shortcomings molded his character and failure at times was his friend, yet on he goes to a new step in fulfilling the measure of his mandate.

Let us rejoice that he accomplished so much and that he is headed toward greater things.  His love for you does not die.  His care for you cannot be stricken.

Let's use that love to inspire us to become bigger than we are.

The best part of his legacy is found in you.  Let it shine forth!

-From a friend

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