Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm not ready for summer

I bought a new... piece of clothing today. I'm not exactly sure what it is... maybe it's a shirt; maybe it's a dress. Whatever it is, it's cute. It reminded me of all the cute clothes I have packed away. Packed away for when I get rid of those last few pesky lumpy spots. Packed away for summer.

Well, summer is here and those last few pesky lumpy spots? Also here. I had a great plan where they were gone, where I looked like Angelina Jolie or Kate Moss or one of those waif-like girls who look great in anything and probably has a heart condition from the throwing up, but whatever.

I dug out my box of packed-away cute clothes and decided to see where I was. I won't tell you, because it wasn't pretty. I am equal parts thoroughly depressed and totally motivated. I am going to exercise and eat right and before you know it I'll be able to pull my skinny jeans all the way up without having to pour olive oil on my thighs, or having all the fat squish out over the top (which I have recently learned is totally not sexy). And I'm getting started... well, not right away. Tomorrow. I swear.


Gin said...

I completely get where you are coming from because I am there too!

D.M. Bonanno said...

You can do it! Pick a direction and go! I've been battling with my weight -- and I'm almost to where I want to be, though I'm in the "smaller than when I gave birth" but "bigger and not quite cute yet". It's on the horizon, I can see it, but I can't touch it yet.

Good luck!!