Monday, August 3, 2020

On this day: Baptism

Eight years ago I was baptised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The missionaries in my ward remembered that today is my baptism anniversary and dropped off these lovely flowers to recognize that. 

These are the things I know to be true:

I am a child of God. Knowing this inspires me to love myself and honour that celestial part of me. 

You- my reader, friend, beloved human, random stranger- are a child of God. This means that I am also inspired to love you; to honour your spirit, your divine nature, your beauty. This is true whether or not you are a member of my church.

My life is better now that I am a member of this church. I am still imperfect, a flawed and awkward work in progress. I cannot claim to be better, only that my life is improved. I am a happier, kinder, gentler version of myself. I am still rebellious, still working through my own stuff. But I'm happier doing it, and content with the questions that still loom large in my mind. 

I believe that other’s lives can become better through discipleship to Christ. As I have found happiness here, I believe that you can too. And if you want to know more, to learn about the church and why I love it, I will happily talk my face off about it. 

I believe that it’s important to respect each person’s will and desire. For me, that means if you don't want to hear about the church and why I love it, I will happily talk my face off about what you love, and what makes your life better.

I am grateful to know these truths; grateful for the knowledge that we -member and not-member- are in this life together and that despite differences in belief or faith we are truly connected to one another.

And because of that, I owe others grace, dignity, and equality. If I do nothing else in this life, I wish to be someone others can look to for love, friendship, and safety. 

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